Tuesday, September 11, 2007

songs of childhood

The song , she will be coming around the mountain when she comes, we will kill the old red rooster when she comes has it roots in union organization.

And from Wikipedia:

“The song was based on an old Negro spiritual titled When the Chariot Comes. . .

the original lyrics of When the Chariot Comes:

“O, who will drive the chariot When she comes? O, who will drive the chariot When she comes? O, “who will drive the chariot, O, who will drive the chariot, O, who will drive the chariot When she “comes?

King Jesus, he'll be driver when she comes, When she comes . . . .

She'll be loaded with bright Angels When she comes . . . .

She will neither rock nor totter, When she comes . . . .

She will run so level and steady, When she comes . . . .

She will take us to the portals, When she comes . . . .

“While it is not entirely clear who the "she" in the song refers to, there are various plausible interpretations. One interpretation suggests that "she" is the train that will be coming through the tracks that are being laid out by workers. Another possible interpretation suggests that "she" refers to union organizer Mary Harris "Mother" Jones going to promote formation of labor unions in the Appalachian coal mining camps. White horses are a symbol of the mythological stature of Mother Jones and the rest of the song is related to the celebration which would ensue after her arrival.”

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