Saturday, September 01, 2007


my morning glories and my yellow 4 O'clock are showing off this nice cool morning. it is 55 degrees, can you see my cacti that is almost covered by the morning glory?
I am into roosters this fall. I have several and plan to keep them till spring in a rooster pen. Then I will pick out what I want to keep and the rest can go to the sale ring with son. The roosters are the prettiest of chickens. I love this black pekin with the white on his shoulders but i would not keep him for breeding because he is not pure breed. the little rooster is a pure breed English game and I will keep him unless he develops traits I don't like.
This is how my morning has gone. my abscess is running like crazy. Ugly stuff but better to get it out of my belly. I feel better than I have in months.

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