I mentioned awhile back that I might order some more chickens and daughter said you don't need any more chickens, you have enough so I gave brother 14 now I need more.
I want some polish chickens and some Easter egg chickens that lay blue and green eggs.
I am always wanting a new kind of chicken. The polish has a top hat and the easter egger lays colored eggs.
Those Easter egg chicks would cross nicely with the Rhode Island Reds...hummmm
Well, the varmits will probably eat all of brother's chickens pertty soon, and you will need more to re-supply him.
I think i will come over about 12:30 tomorrow and diliver you some magazines and pick up the Bush book that I want to read. I get off at noon tomorrow cause I worked late yesterday. Hurah for Firday.
most sweetest sister
i am a secetry and rite improtant litters on the cumputer for my boss all the time. That is hall i lerned to spel so swel.
sweetness again
Sweetness...use spell check!
About using spell check...I know I should as I can't spell CAT but I am oft too lazy and will look at the word and think hmmmm that is spelled wrong, but just leave it and go.
I don't think my sisters worry much about my spelling and none of us worry much about what the world thinks.
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