Monday, October 29, 2007

Jack Frost

It is a fact Jack has come to the Ozarks, he is on the roof tops, he is on the cars, he is here to stay until April drives him away.


Cheryl said...

Neat photo. I drove down your main road today I had to take my dog and get her haircut.

Betty said...

Isn't the frost beautiful? I'm so glad it is fall, at last.

Galla Creek said...

He has not made it our house yet.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful photos - and my what a frost you have. We have had a few - so basically our growing season is finished.

But parsnips, and cabbages still grow in the winter, leeks, carrots, and chard too.

I love your blog

Annie said...

How about that. Jack hasn't shown his face down here in Little Rock, yet.

Mountain Mama said...

Oh how beautiful! I just love Jack Frost's artistry. However I don't like it when he nips at my nose.