The little hen that hatched lost one baby but she has 2 black chicks left and is clucking and scratching for them. they get things they need from the soil when she rakes it around. I never had a hatch this late but she will take care of them I am sure.
I met a little black hen in the store this morn. I taught her and all her kids. Her Momma prostituted her and her sisters starting at the age of 11 or 12...not to be cruel but Momma was only doing what she had done. My little Bantie raised 4 of her brood. One boy is back in prison, one little girl made it through college, one little boy is retarded and the other little girl succumbed to drugs. My little hen was once a druggie herself, but she has broke free. Anytime I see her she coos..."Mrs. Renfroe...how are you" and we visit and talk of her kids. She told me once that she never worried about her kids when they were at my school because she knew I would watch out for them. but when she yelled at me across Harps this morning, I drew her close and told her I loved her and she said "oh, Mrs. Renfroe, I know you do" I told her I pray for her Tabitie her boy. She said I know you do. So there are little black hens in the real world trying to raise their brood just like your little hen in the pen.
I love that story but it is so sad
I've always heard that people do the best they know how. Sometimes I strain to believe it, especially when I hear a story like Sister's, above.
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