Friday, October 05, 2007

wound vac.

Erin said wound vac is the answer so I called home health and they are going to call the doctor and try to get one going by Monday. I really liked the girl who came today. she was a very nice girl and she tried to help me. It will be a relief not to have to take care of this my self.
I got to see what he did and he cut out a place as big as one of my bantam eggs. I don't hurt but I have pain pills if I do. It is the same stuff Rush Limbaugh was buying off the street. I think I will call and see what he would pay for 40 pills.
she ask if my daughter would be willing to learn to do this. I said forget it, you don't see her in here ,do you?


Anonymous said...

I bet that wound vac with get rid of all that infection. Hope it works and glad you like the helper.
sis 3

Annie said...

What a suprise, to drop by only to discover you've been through surgery and special medical interventions. I'm sending you all kinds of get-well wishes, Patsy.

dot said...

Patsy, I do enjoy your sense of humor!

Erin said...

the nurse can come change the wound vac dressing when it needs changed. it won't need it that long. it will have a canister that you change when it's full of fluid.. and that's a piece of cake.