Wednesday, January 02, 2008

To the doctor

It is bitterly cold here this morning. 12 degrees and suppose to get to 9 degrees. The wind blew all day yesterday and my chickens spent most of the day in the hen house on the roost, that is how they keep warm .I must go to the doctor tomorrow and I dread the trip but the nurses wants him to do a culture. They believe I have a Bactria growing. either way the wound is not healing.
I get about 4 eggs a day and the little chicks are doing ok.


Annie said...

Patsy, it's not the way I wanted you start out the new year, with something still giving you trouble in your gut. I'm going to ride along to the doctor's with you (in my mind) and hold your hand through that visit and discussion.

Galla Creek said...

I got 11 eggs yesterday. Greg will eat a lot of them for breakfast with pinched off biscuits I made thinking about Momma saying you could just pinch them off and not have to roll them out.

I hope the Dr. visit goes well.

patsy said...

"greg will eat a lot" explain?

Unknown said...

I really hope your visit to the Dr turns out well and that is just a little 'hiccup'

I have my fingers crossed for you that's for sure.

It is 2c here today - but with the bitter and strong east wind it feels even colder.

We are due snow tomorrow. Brrrr

Lovely to hear that your chickens are laying and that the little chicks are growing well.

Sister--Helen said...

well Sisters it is (Drum Roll) 60 degrees here at 10:00 AM......

Tina Leigh said...

Probably that darn staph again is so hard to get rid of it now a days. I feel for you. Its been almost a year that you've been trying to get that thing healed.
I love your pictures on the fav is of "DINNER"! You have the best sense of humor & you can say a mouthful in just a few words.
Now about the canidates....please tell me you aint voting for HILL-LURE-REE. I like Bill but NOT HER!!!!!! I really want to know what you think. e-mail me.