Saturday, June 20, 2009

Health insurance

I have been watching the health care debate going on at this time and I believe the single payer is the only way to go any thing less and the people will be offered up on the holy alter of special interest and sacrificed to big money people.

I am a little tired of reading how the insurance companies are dirty and the hospitals and doctors have the interest of the people at heart.

The insurance companies are at fault true but the doctors and especially the hospitals are greedy. Do you know any poor doctors? They are all fat rich cats feeding off the life blood of the people.

When all the dust settles and a plan is in place I am advising my family to join the single payer insurance of the government that is the only way we can have control of our fate.

Several of my family work and have Tyson insurance and every year it pays less and cost more. Come on Obama look after our interest or you can kiss your job away come 2012.


Snowbrush said...

I agreed with you until you blamed Obama. You appear to see him as having more power than I do.

Mang Guite said...

Nice reading and a lot of inside stuff in it.

Anonymous said...

We fortunately have good insurance through Mike's company but I was shocked when I compared what our insurance company was charged for surgeries by two different hospitals. My appendectomy done at the local hospital was over $33,000 and the wrist surgery the year before was $24,000! The lymph node dissection done at the University of New Mexico Cancer Research Center was just over $7,000. I couldn't believe the difference and even though we only paid a portion of that, those two surgeries came to over $60,000 of our lifetime limit. There is no reason for that kind of difference in cost and I received much better care at UNM. Something has to change! Carmon

Unknown said...

As the health care reform debate rages on, I am very surprised at how little dental insurance and dental health care is mentioned.

I have a discount dental plan from . I've been able to save a significant sum on the dental care I need with this alternative to dental insurance.

I was wondering if you could share your opinion about discount dental plans and how they fit into this debate.