Sunday, August 30, 2009

bird flew the coop!

I went to feed at 7 O'clock and a good thing I did one of my black australoups was on top of the pen. I have chicken wire on the top of the pen but over the years one end had worked loose and Sammy built the shelter in that corner. The chickens like to fly on top of the shelter and fly off well one Black australoup flew up and went threw the hole. she flew down when I went out and I managed to get her in the pen.
The hole is fixed now! I have noticed the black australoups are always pushing their boundary, reaching threw the fence trying to get grass or what ever.
It is misting rain here. It certainly has been a unusual august this year.
I suppose Betty is moving and doesn't have time to post. Fleta is sick I guess, she hasn't posted in a while ether.


Judy said...

Your great grandson is such a cute child! I love the pink dog and the sign. You need both Patsy! Glad you got the chicken back in the pen. It is going to be in the 40s here at night this week. I have all my windows open airing out the house today. It is in the low 70s.
I love the fall but hate winter. Hope you are feeling o.k. now.

Galla Creek said...

Patsy, I have not moved a thing. But I am pulling a Helen--cleaning before moving in. I am going to clean the carpets with a rented shampooer today.