Wednesday, August 26, 2009

escaped to live another day.

I have escaped again. I spent three days in the Berryville hospital and I am better for a few days. I enjoyed telling everybody that I was very anxious for Obama to get the death panel set up so they could get paid for consulting me about the end of life choices.
A young surgeon wanted to cut me open but I finally convinced him that I wasn't going for that until all other choices were used.
I am very sorry that Eward Kennedy has died but I still have hope that Obama and the Democrats in congress and the Senate will see the health plan brought to fruit in memory of Ted Kennedy.
I told the doctor that was seeing me in the hospital that I was ready to face the end of life option and was not interested in the miracle cures that would leave me laying some where in a hospice crying HELP ME. Onward and upward.


Sunshine said...

glad you are back home

Linda@VS said...

Glad you're home, Patsy, and hope you're feeling better.

Snowbrush said...

I hope you regain your desire to live. That said, two states have assisted suicide--Oregon (where I live) and Washington--but I have no idea what is required in the way of residency. I'm sure that sympathetic doctors in other states help people end their lives, but I wouldn't know how to advise you as to finding one. There is, of course, the book "Final Exit".

As for hospice care, I wouldn't picture you having to beg for anything since the whole point would be to ease your passing. My experience with hospice nurses is that they are really good at what they do. My father was provided with a whole bottle of liquid morphine, and I was instructed to give him what he needed without concern for the fact that it might kill him. I gave him what he needed, and I am extremely grateful that I had the power to insure that he didn't suffer.

Sister--Helen said...

patsy...Do you need help in dying...RK said Marvin knows people that will shoot you for $100.00.....Maybe us sisters could rake that together if you need assist... as snowball thought....

Galla Creek said...

My Erin is an hospice nurse. She has several patients whose end will come. She really does not relish that part of the job she has, but it is part of her job. If a call comes in the middle of the night, she goes!

Dying is not where we want you. Living is where it's at. Glad you are home.

Snowbrush said...

4th Sister: "Snowball"!!!

As in "snowballs chance in hell"? No, no, no. It's Snowbrush. Snow.B.R.U.S.H, as in Cascade Mountain shrub that smells like cinnamon, has sticky leaves, and needs fire to germinate.