Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Living and dying

This is my thinking on living and dying, I want to live as long as I can, I want to be able to struggle out in the morning to feed the chicken, set in the sun and watch them. I want to have control over my choices. I don't want some young surgeon who has only one thought that is to cut me open and then leave me to suffer in some hospital bed until I die.
While I was in the hospital I had to beg for a couple of Tylenol to easy my aching bones. Very few Doctors are able or willing to consider a life worth living and a death with out suffering needless pain.
I am not going to kill my self, God gives life and he will take it but I know that if they cut me open I will suffer until I die and still die. If I get to the place that they must operate and that is the only option I will do it . I know that my body is finished and I will not heal so I am going to avoid the knife as long as I can.
I f I can choice I will die in my own bed. We don't always get our wishes but some times we do. The doctor that has been my doctor tells me not to let them cut unless there is no other option and that is what I am going to do. As for this day I am alive and in my home not suffering and living.Tomorrow we will see what comes.


Judy said...

Hi Patsy, I am glad to see you have escaped and are back home with your chickens. I agree with you completely. I have been cut on before and thankfully lived through the operations but don't plan to have any more if I can help it. Please take care and keep us up to date on your progress. I am thinking of you and hope you continue to feel good.

Donna. W said...

Yes, keep us updated. I trust your judgment; only you should decide what's best for you.

Sister--Helen said...

OK I won't call Marvin then....

Galla Creek said...

I am glad you are not in pain. The stomach pain must be unbearable when the intestine is blocked.