Friday, August 28, 2009

My thoughts on Ted Kennedy

The other night there was a TV special about the Kennedy brothers and My son ask do you want to watch this program Mom? and I said No, I lived it.

I was 21 the year JFK was elected president and I voted for him, to me he was my hope for a better futher for me and my family and then they killed him. I am one of the people who believes that there is for more not known about John's death, OK, call my crazy but I believe that he was murdered by powerful men in our country and Oswald was their trigger man.

My hopes died with JFK and I never have been able to look at our political process with the same bright eyed young naivete since.

Then in 1968 My hope was born again with Bobbie, I thought he would stop the Vietnam war and perhaps my Camelot could live again and then he lay on the floor of the hotel kitchen and my dreams finally died a lasting death. I still grieve for what might have been if Bobbie had lived.

Now as to Teddy, I think he lived a flawed life, the drowning of the young woman was because he was drunk and with a woman he wasn't supposed to be with, he crawled out of the water and tried to hide until the next morning to protect his life from the scandal that would descend on him because of his reckless actions, I think. In the 80's he was bar hopping with his nephews and helped bring his sister's son to a drunken act of shame.

I also think in the last 20 years he has tried to make amends for his early sins and has done many things for the people of his state and our country but he never gave me back my hope and dreams because they lay in the graves in the Arlington cemetery with his two brothers and I am sure many of his dreams died there also. so no I am not watching the television of the Kennedy death. I can't. I am an old woman and I can not shed any more tears for Camelot and what might have been. Camelot will never be. He made a speach at the democrate convention last fall and said "the dream lives on "but my dream is dead Teddy, and I cry for what could have been and never will be again.


Galla Creek said...

We have gone too far around the bend to ever make it back. Lost hope--is a sad state.

Lucky-1 said...

I'm in Australia Patsy (as you know) and I think Ted Kennedy had a lot to live up too, as well. Must have been hard having those two great men for brothers.