Thursday, August 27, 2009

scenes from the morning.

I managed to go feed the chickens this morning, Sammy said he would but I wanted to do the job. The chicks said Sammy did fine feeding them but they didn't get any greens so I cut some of their favorite weeds and they went wild enjoying the greens.
My red rose is blooming again. the pink flowering bush is a rose of Sharon.
I slept around the clock. wasn't able to sleep in the hospital so it took me a while to catch up. I was glad to get my on my computer and visit with everyone after I fixed all the things my daughter had messed up. I feel fairly well and I think I will have two of my home grown eggs for breakfast.


Galla Creek said...

When I get moved, Fleta is giving me some bushes that were yours.

I am glad you are feeling better. They move Sunday and then we can start but we will take a while as we have lived here 20 years.

Unknown said...

so glad you are feeling better...I have been taking care of friend Nancy's mother....she is 87 and has broken her pelvis. She is in so much pain, then the pain pills make her really loopy