Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Elkland Mo. murders 1987

I remember these murders, Do you remember? I suppose it is the time of year which made me think of this awful crime. I know Schnick was convicted and sentenced to death but after searching on the net I found that he is alive and well in prison in Jefferson city mo.... The sole survivor of a shooting rampage that killed seven relatives was charged today with murder in the slayings, which had been blamed on a 14-year-old family member who was among the victims.
James E. Schnick, 36, of rural Elkland, Mo., was charged with murder in the Sept. 25 killings of his wife, her brother and the brother's wife and four children.
Webster County officials had said immediately after the deaths that Schnick's nephew Kirk Buckner had gone on a shooting rampage, killing his parents, three brothers and an aunt, before dying in a struggle with Schnick.


jesbeard said...

I was a reporter with KSPR-TV at the time and covered the story and the aftermath of the murders. You can find some of the stories posted on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3diOvUp4us http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQoF-rOqxpQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pFi0cH4DDg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-aVAxs0Fsw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p678j0mZKo

dezzy hicks said...

hi my name is desiree hicks. i have lived in elkland my hole life and i have heard peices of this story here and thier. the house was abanded for as long as i can rember. about a year ago people started renting it but they lever stayed long. my freinf lives thier now he clames to have heard things.however i have also heard stoeris that people have heard noises comeing from that house.myself i have only been thier once we though about renting it but we got this weird filling when we went and looked at the place thats the only time i have been on the proberty but i go passed the house everyday and i have always wondered what the true and hole story is about what happend so if anyone has any infomation they would like to give my my emial is dezzyhicks51@yahoo.com thank you.

Unknown said...

My friend is now renting the house & she says a lot of messed up stuff has happened there. Her clocks set themselves to 3:00 everyday. She had a priest come bless the house & now says things have calmed down a little.

Unknown said...

I rented that house and put a lot of money into that home. I filled it full of my stuff put all the dishes away and was so happy to be living there. However after the first night is all it took to pack everything I had back into boxes and run away from elkland and never look back. I had known the story behind the house but as a southern baptist I believed I was safe. My son at the age of 3 mentioned he has seen the kids, and that their mother told them that they were her babies. My son knew nothing of ANYTHING that had happened there. I left that night a 10 pm and never went back except to get my stuff. I let the renter keep all the money, I just never wanted to see that house again. There is something really messed up in that home. This experience made me a firm believer in Jesus Christ.

Unknown said...

The house burnt down in late 2013 but I can tell you that I never once did feel unsafe in the house. As i grew up a friend of mine lived there and it was like a sec home, I had always knew something was up with the house and property but never knew what it was, I had thought I was just crazy at that time. It was not till I lived in the house myself back a few years ago that I decided that it was not just me and I wanted to look into the history of the house. I loved the house and the property and nothing would cause me to leave but I wanted to know. That was once I started seeing things myself and hearing things. My son would see children at night, a friend and her son stayed with me and the baby would not sleep in the one room (he would just cry) and my friend said that she would hear things and see things as well. So if anyone has any info on the house (I still would like to know) and these murders I would love to know the story itself. any info about the story Please e-mail me at PAPASTAMBAM@GMAIL.COM Thank you so much. Like I said I loved the house and just wanted to know the history itself.

Unknown said...


JeniannInMS said...
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JeniannInMS said...

Best me to it

Fessell said...

This house was haunted. Now its all burnt down.