Monday, September 21, 2009


my brother raises wild turkeys and they roam free on my father old farm in northwest AR. my son raises tame white breasted turkeys for the turkey plant in Huntville AR.

My brother's widow raises chickens for Tyson and so does my niece Cheryl Ann. Many of my kin work in the poultry plants here so it is a fact our lives depend on the poultry industry.


Galla Creek said...

I say eat chicken and turkey. We have chicken one or two nights a week. Turkey not as often, but I do buy turkey lunch meat sometimes.

Judy said...

Patsy, Your rain hit here yesterday and it is still raining this morning and supposed to rain on and off all week. My yard is flooded! I love wild turkeys. They used to come on the farm years ago and they were so comical. I remember it thundering and they would all gobble every time it thundered. I like to eat them, too!
Have a good week.