Thursday, October 01, 2009


Have you seen the advertisement on television for the product, Latisse, this product will make your eyelashes grow. I can't imagine anyone would use this on their eyes. It can cause eye irritation, may turn blue eyes brown and no telling what else. How can anyone gamble with their eyes? No one is so blind as those who will not see!


Judy said...

Hi Patsy, I hope your shoulder and leg are better. I know about those thistle weeds, too. I don't want anything to grow, not even my eyelashes and especially my hips! They seem to keep getting bigger. lol.

Margie's Musings said...

My tummy continues to grow and I don't rub anything on it to make that happen.

Alana Stewart said...

I saw Brooke Shields on Entertainment Tonight talking about it and it's rediculously priced. My salon suggested using Revitalash instead. So far so good with Revitalash. Haven't experienced any side effects. And the best part about it is it does work!

yourlatisse said...

Wow – I have been using latisse for 7 weeks with absolutely awesome results. To boot I got it at $89 per bottle!!!!!!! 5 minute online form and right to my door from a real doctors office…I would rec. ordering from these guys to anyone…you can’t beat the price or service…,