Friday, October 02, 2009

news story

sometimes the cable news shows just make me want to scream. I was watching msnbc news cause daughter had the computer and these two really slick, good looking news persons were discussing the Letterman SCANDAL, saying what would the fall out be for Letterman? would he be sued? would he lose his job? They were trying to make some big thing about nothing, with all the important things going on this was the BIG story today. The news persons were young women and they didn't have a 1/2 of a brain between the two of them.
If Letterman was watching he was thinking HMMM wonder if I would have a shot with either of these gals?

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Letterman's ratings will go sky-high! He did the best thing, and I'm SO laughing at that crook who thought he was going to get some easy money.

Truth really is the best!