Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fleta, pumkin' pie

12 eggs yesterday. I called Fleta and ask if she wanted eggs she wasn't very excited so I am going to take 3 dozen to the library ladies today. They will be pleased until they see the books I want them to order for me.
If anyone is offended by the photos below it is Winnie's fault.


Sister--Fleta said...

How can it be Winnie's fault? You put up the photos, not Winnie.

I brought one of the pies to work and they say it is very good. I is much better cold than luke warm.

I printed off my recipe for them, so maybe some one else will make a pie from the recipe for tomorrow.

Sister--Helen said...

oh I just can't even think about it anymore...and no one really thought they were GOOD....

Galla Creek said...

Those pigs are eating good. And I was not offended. I had a big laugh..already laughed once when she sent it to me. My favorite is the land in the white dress at the store!