Monday, June 28, 2010


Link sausages, fried zucchini squash rolled in corn meal and caned biscuits. come on in. The squash was in my tub garden in the yard. I will have yellow squash any day and I like them better but the zucchini in the tub has served me well.
I Cook breakfast most morning and Janet and Sammy are not long in hitting the floor. I think nephew Donnie is coming by, he will clean up the scraps.
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Linda@VS said...

I've never had fried zucchini but that looks good!

Donna. W said...

I am so jealous of people who are able to raise zucchini. Squash bugs always kill mine before I can get much from them.

sunny smiles said...

Too bad I live so far away!Yellow squash is good but zucchini is faithful to provide us with plenty..