Saturday, July 10, 2010


Flowers in my yard
The Garden Balsam or Lady slipper (Impatiens balsamina) is an old fashioned favorite which is again coming into its own. The double and semi-double sorts, well called Camellia-flowered, are practically the only ones grown. These plants are closely related to the wild Touch-menots and, like them, have characteristic seed pods which open suddenly when touched. The blooms are of many delicate colors-white, flesh pink, salmon, rose, purple and violet. The plants grow 18 inches tall and the stems are juicy and thick.
UTILIZE. Balsams are rather formal plants of neat, compact habit. The flowers are produced close to the stem almost hidden among the leaves, and some gardeners remove a few of the leaves to better disclose the blossoms. The plants clay be grouped in the border or used as low hedges. Some gardeners pot them for Summer porch decoration and claim they are as beautiful as Azaleas.
GENERAL. Seed may be sown indoors, as growing the plants in small pots for a few weeks will dwarf them and make them more compact. Or sow directly in the soil out of doors in May. The plants will cover 12 inches to 18 inches of space. The flowers grow nicely in well enriched sandy soil, and prefer full sunlight. They may be transplanted when in full bloom
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1 comment:

sunny smiles said...

Lots of good information..Patsy..Thank you! I know some things just won't grow here in our location.My husband tells me he has grown Impatiens but that they don't like the heat. Can you grow Peonies? They are pretty but would not survive our weather. So you crochet too..I know the basic chain stitch and would someday like to make something..My mother was not one for doing any type of craft so I didn't pick up on it but am going to make a small cushion for our cat that likes a certain old rocking chair that has a cane seat and i don't want her to destroy it so I will cover with a little cushion...