31 degrees here at 7:08 and cloudy. The chickens and guineas were glad to see me with the feed bucket.
I hope Betty is beginning to recover from her surgery and I also would like to know if Winnie Jo received my E-mail ?
Tony has promised to bring me some dirt to grow tomatoes in this spring if you remember he brought me dirt last year that killed everything that got near the stuff. I told him no more of the bad dirt!
The deepest snow I ever saw in our area fell on March the 10th a few years ago and if we get by that date I always think the chances of a Hugh snow fall is past. That snow was 3 feet with winds that created driffs. One fellow over by Rudd went out to look about his cattle on horse back. The horse stumbles into a low place and the man thought the horse would die before he escaped his prison of white snow.
We were snow bound for 5 days and finally had to shovel our way to the road because we were about out of food. it was some time in the late 60's. I don't miss those days at all, any time I get blue these days I think about what a struggle I had feeding my children when they were all home and I think I am in a better time than I was then.
1 comment:
You always had a hard life patty but you raised good kids...Never in any trouble...
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