Sunday, April 03, 2011

Bettie Leathers

I remember Mrs. Leathers, I think she must have died about 1950. I would carry Fleta out to the Leathers house and Mrs. leathers would set and talk to me.
I remember She had a spinning wheel and had used it when she was young. She said they had sheep and she made thread from the wool.
She told me her husband suffer from aching teeth and he had took very hot water holding it in his mouth until he killed all the nerves in his teeth. She said then he never had a tooth ache again.
I went to her funeral, she was buried in the cemetery on the Douglas road. Watson tried to crawl in the grave with her. I didn't like Watson he was a little mean man.
I think grandpa Powell taught school at the Black Oak school once. It was over beyond Callen's branch I think.
When she died that day mama scolded us for running and playing and I ask her why? she said Mrs. Leathers had died and we should be quiet in respect for the dead. I thought to my self Mama was silly, that was the first time I thought that but sadly not the last.
I never heard of Homer leather. I wonder if he died young. Hosea was rather a large man and Watson was a little guy about the size of George.It seems to me Bettie Leathers was taller than most women. Hosea's first wife died there on our place. the land was Mr. Leathers and it was divided between Hosea and Watson.


Galla Creek said...

I was thinking...Hosea owned Floyd's place too. I remember Dad said Hosea was a lawyer and a drunk.

Sister--Helen said...

My Mama was good to me. As rotten as I was she should have knocked me in the head and fed the milk to the pigs.....another one of her sayings.....