Monday, April 18, 2011

Obama and miscreants

Midtownmiscreaants says I can use his stuff so I will he said what I have been thinking better than I could ever say so here it is.. If you want to read his whole post go and read the April 8 post, just hit my title and it will take you there... Miscreants said ...................................................................................................................................................................... Last but definetly not the least. As Boehner gently weeps, and the gubmint is as fucked up as a soup sandwich, where pray tell is our leader? Now you may recall that I had high hopes for bama when he won the election. I thought, and said as much, "here's a smart guy". I was smoking some pretty good weed back in those days. I still am, but as good as it is, I can't get high enough to think highly of the big O. The president spent Wednesday evening swinging off of Al Sharptons ball sack. This is the same guy who caused riots over the fake rape of Twana Brawley. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Obama pandered for votes and played political grab ass with a guy he avoided like the plague before the last election when he should have been standing on Boehner and Reeds necks. I'm over the hope and change song and dance. I've been bamboozled, hoodwinked, and hustled. I can usually see through bull shit a mile away, but this guy fooled me. I hate admitting I was wrong, but I was. I AGREE.

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