Friday, June 10, 2011

gathering lettuce

The pups have drug in some trash. it looks like a dirty diaper.
I gave the sale chicks some lettuce. it is getting bitter but they like it so the garden has a new purpose.
Janet has started her vacation and I am trying to get up the courage to go to town.
Sammy has 4 new chicks in the brooder in the bath room. I count 16 with the hen and the 4 in the house makes 20, there should be 10 pullets for laying this winter.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hi Patsy, I see your chickens are doing well and hope you are, too. The last time I was here for some reason I could not get it to take my comment and finally gave up! We are having weather in the 90s for at least 2 weeks now. We are dry, too. They are saying 80s next week and it will be a welcome change. I am sure you have heard of Gooseberry Patch cookbooks? They have been around probably since back in the 70s or 80s. They featured me on their website today. I was so excited! Here is the address if you want to check it out:
I hope you are having a good summer and your health is good.