I am awake and on line for a while. I hope I can lay down for a few more winks after a short time.
I am having horrible dreams every night. Dream about people dieing or the dream this night was dreaming about people in danger. I will be glad when they stop.
I found this photo of a japanes maple and am posting it for your enjoyment.
I enjoyed seeing the photo of the deer hunters , Betty. The boy's father was a freind of Bens and the boy hunts on Ratzaff land. The child wanted Tony in the photo.
There are a lot of deer on that farm but tony doesn't deer hunt.
Fleta said George was busy trying to keep the hunter away from his deer.
I recieved a gift of 10 dollars today from Virginia. Thank you girl.
I may get me a Japanese Maple. But will wait til I stay home. They cost a lot and I would not want it to die.
Mr. Hilliyard explained about Tony and his hunting grounds...I thought it was neat and as Fleta said...
"it is a small world after all."
Get up, Sister, rise and meet the day. Do you mean Virgina Lee?
How did Sam do on his chicken sale? dog give away?
i really enjoyed that picture. I would love to have a J. Maple, but in our zone they are iffy.
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