Betty said there was a NEW RULE THAT i HAD TO POST EVERY DAY.
I am OK I just don't have much to say. I went to walmart yesterday. I got a couple of books and some anti. fungal creme. I called and made an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow, My skin is burning around my wound and my leg keeps on hurting so I want some pain med.
I have not been able to sleep well and am hoping the pill bottle will get filled and help me sleep.
I am OK, just don't have much to say.
I saw Bill Maher telling about the repub's candidates. He said he had been criticizing Obama but after listening to the candidates that sent him running back to Obama's arms.
I am going to order Janet's stone Friday.
It is cool and damp here.
I keep seeing the revolts across the country and listening to the leaders talking about what to do about the people taking up residency in the streets. I don't think the leaders have a clue. I keep thinking of 1968.
Kelly came by Sunday and said he thought that Obama pushing for jobs for the vet would cost a lot of people in the work force their jobs. I told him not to worry, the poor vets were so messed up many of them would never be able to hold down a job. The fact is many are all ready on the streets in our cities and our leaders are afraid that many of the protesters are vets. They have a right to worry. We have a large group of men coming back to this country with only one asset to their job search. They have been trained to kill.
see you tomorrow.
Glad you are okay and complying to the new Blogger rule.
It is damp and dreary here.
I got knocked down Friday and hurt my knee. I am home resting today. I knee is swollen but I am going to live. They gave me some pain medicine...I see what you mean about sleeping better. It makes a big difference!
I will look tomorrow. Hope Blogger does not give you a fine for not posting daily.
Patsy, one of the things I like about you is that even when you have "nothing to say," you say it so well.
Sister-Three, take care of that knee!
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