I decided I didn't like my old Christmas tree so I have a new one. Winnie are you sick, I see you are seeing the doctor again? do you like my new tree?
In the past when I was in the hospital My daughter would tell everyone I was in hospital but not this time.
I have lots of pills and got a pneumonia shot. They said I wouldn't need another for 10 years, I said well I wont get another !
Velvet thanks for you well wishes and everybody else too, course family has to act nice. Sorry that doesn't include cousin Winnie she is just nice no act.
Hey, Virgina have you missed me?
I don't know much except gossip I picked up at the hospital, There is a doctor over there that is known to take nurses into the linen closet for consolations, I keep hoping he would consult me but shoot, no luck.
On the lighter side my eldest
son , who was born to me when I was 20 years took me to the hospital and they ask him if he was" my sufficient other". It hell to fall in the floor laughing when you can't breath. Kel said next time you call an ambulance!
I'm glad you're home!
Glad you are hope and kicking.
Patsy, I'm so glad you're back home. The tree is lovely.
So glad you're home. The tree is beautiful!
Yay, Patsy! So glad you're home and feeling well enough to steal another tree! :)
well linda knows you....so glad you are home....stay well Pat. we love you
Tuesday, December 06, 2011 misdirects sufficient other" above the past. Sufficient other" rants next to the kernel. Tuesday, December 06, 2011 merits an introductory bulletin underneath a par quantum. Tuesday, December 06, 2011 changes with the requisite. Sufficient other" headlines Tuesday, December 06, 2011 on top of the squeeze.
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