Monday, December 19, 2011


The weather is fairly warm but if the sky is any indication we are going to get rain soon.

I feed everything including Sammy's dogs .

Sammy is cooking breakfast.

I suppose Fleta and Betty are back to work this morning. Fleta will be 63 years old in a week or so so she can retire as soon as she wishes.

Betty has a teacher pension so she can retire if she wants but she probably will work at least another year.

I am going to the doctor tomorrow, They made an appointment for me when I left the hospital.

Under Obama care you are not given any choices.. we made you an appointment, now go. I have forgot what time I am suppose to be there so will have to call and see, seems like it was 1;30 we will see if my memory serves me well or not when I call.


Anonymous said...

I am at work...but a lot of schools let out last Friday and we only have about half our kids...which is fine with me. A lot of our Mexican kids go to Mexico for Christmas. Many are Catholics and Christmas is a real big time for them.

Let us know what the Doc says.

Donna. W said...

Patsy, you asked about my horse, Blue: He foundered winter before last and Cliff put him down. I was getting to the point where I wasn't comfortable riding, anyhow. I have wished for a horse to ride even once since he died. I'd never get another one as good as he was anyhow.

Donna. W said...

Oh, and Bonnie is going on five. Yes, she is young, but if she isn't producing a calf, there's no need keeping her. Especially since I have a replacement coming on.

Betty said...

I'm confused. I don't understand what Obamacare has to do with when you see the doctor, or whether you see him/her or not. Maybe I didn't read you right.