My Cochin rooster is mean. I never saw a rooster like him, he is a year old and attacked me every time I got into the pen, today he jumped 3 feet into the air and hit the feed can I was holding with both of his spurs. WHAM! if it had been me I would have bleed. I want to keep him and breed him to his daughters but I don't know if I can or not because he is so mean.
I may take him to Clayton's and turn him lose, He would make short work of that bob cat.
I will have fried green tomatoes soon.
My chicks are doing fine. I have 32 now that my hens hatched and I have 6 hens setting on eggs. Sam is going to have to take them to Huntsville Ar. and sell some. I can't keep all of them but I will want to keep them.
It is cloudy but warm this morning. It will soon be hot weather here.
I would cut his head off...
Feisty sucker!
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