Sunday, November 18, 2007

Naomi Wolf

The Library ordered this book for me...THE END OF AMERICA BY NAOMI WOLF.. everyone should read this thought provoking book. Miss Wolf lays out the fact that we are on a slippery slop in this country and the ground work has been laid for a dictatorship.
She draws parallels between our country and German before the rise of Hitler. The things she tells about the private security forces in Iraq like Blackwater will shake you.
I had said to my sister a few weeks ago I had been fearful for a while that the Bush crowd might try to stop our elections and stay in power. Sister said he was so unpopular at this time he could not do that.
I stated if anyone would be a dictator he had to have the army behind him to enforce his rule but I had not considered the Private securities forces. They would be a means to that end if he chose to go that route.
So perhaps you think I have gone crazy? Read her book and see if I am crazy.
She says" 2300 private soldiers in nine countries including inside the United States. It maintains a database of 21,000 former Special Forces, soldiers and retired law enforcement agents on whom it can call at a moments notice. Blackwater has a private fleet of more than 20 aircraft, including helicopter gunships.... Black water has more than $500 million in government contracts and this does not include its secret "black" budget operations for U .S. intelligence agencies, it is noted that Blackwater could overthrow many world governments and Blackwater is closely tied to Haliburton , Chaney's pet Dog.
I have stated before that I believe Vice president Chaney is more dangerous than Bush.
So after reading this book I hope Blackwater doesn't sink us as a free nation. Get a copy and read it.


Annie said...

You write an intriguing review, Patsy. I think I will find that book and read it. I've been very distressed by the Blackwater actions around the world (and they say it's not soldiers-for-hire or vigilantes). And you know I feel very much as you do about Cheney and Bush and Rumsfield. Like Dennis Kucinich, I think there are grounds for impeachment even though I hate to think what that would do to our country's morale.

Galla Creek said...

I will try to get the book and read it. I am going to try to put the shadows behind me and look for some sunshine.