my mother's birthday. She was born January 24, 1921.Mama lived a life of work for her children and her husband. She lived a life of sacrifice . I remember times when she had one dress and no shoes. She cooked, cleaned and raised her children. Our lives were comfortable because of our mother.We could depend on mama. things and substances might change but mama remained the same.
Her life revolved around her family and she had no ambitions other than daddy and our needs and wishes.
Not one of us have lived lives like our mother. Our ideas and life was influenced by our father but mama gave us life and preserved our life.
I got the date wrong, sister corrected me.
You're a few days off sis it is the 24th....
It is a truthful post about Momma. She lived to give us life and then lived for us to have a good life. Most of the time I know she was in pain with her ankle...such sacrafices she made for us.
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