Saturday, February 14, 2009

Old dog tricks

Well good golly miss molly, I realized I hadn't read the old, new dog post in a while and started looking for her in my blog list and she wasn't there. I thought how will I find her and then I went to sis's blog and sis says she follows me around and there was Betty from Harrison in her links so I went and read several of the new dog's post and caught up with her.

I have no idea how I lost her but I have found her again!
I called her the old, new dog because when she starting blogging she called her blog old dog with new tricks , then she changed her tune and called herself the new dog.
no matter what she calls her blog I like it and I don't want to lose her again.


Galla Creek said...

Glad you found her again and that I have never lost here.

Little sisters follow big sisters has been that way for all of time. teehee

Sister--Helen said...

yes since you lost old dog we all did ....I realized yesterday and caught up with her on Betty's Blog...