Friday, April 17, 2009


I am in the guineas business. I have one egg in my pen now if I have a male Guinea I am set to go.
I planted onion set this after noon. I used to make a bed and crawl around and put every set in the ground one at a time. no more, I went out in the plowed dirt and raked the dirt to the side and poured the onion in the bed and then covered them with the dirt I had raked out. when I harvest the green onions I can thin out the onions that are too close. When you get old you have to figure out a way to do things the easy way.


Galla Creek said...

set the eggs under your banties.

Kelly said...

I am with you, make things as easy as possible! :)

Anonymous said...

Patsy, you have given me chicken envy long enough! It probably won't happen this year but I've decided we need a few hens to have our own fresh eggs. See what you've done? Carmon