Thursday, July 15, 2010

where is it?

Daddy has some things that I would class as keep sakes and they disappeared years ago and I was wondering if of my sisters or brother knows what happened to them.?
1. Tim Knight sent daddy a hen setting on a nest that Tim had stuffed when he studied taxidermy, who has it?

2. Aunt Betty sent daddy some pine cones that were hugh from the red wood trees, who has them?
I just realized Mother may have burnt these items thinking of them as junk! or gave them to Aunt Thelma like she did with a lot of family heirlooms she considered junk.


sunny smiles said...

My mother did not give much away..She passed away in May..My sister is still living in her home..I don't think I'll be on the receiving end of anything..

Sister--Helen said...

I do not have either one of them...and do not know where they went....honest I did not want a stuffed chicken it used to startle me everytime I saw it on top of the cabinet

Galla Creek said...

I don't have either of them Patsy, but I wish I had that chicken!

Sister--Helen said...

Fleta, quiet as usual.....