Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winnie's yard?

A few post ago I ask Winnie Jo a question and she never answered, I thought it was because she didn't know the answer. If this is Winnie's back yard I have my answer.
Years ago daddy gave aunt Winnie his iron tires wagon wheels and I ask Winnie what ever happened to them. click on this photo and if this is her back yard you can see what happen to one of the wheels. I wonder what other goodies she has up there in KC?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

actually they are matching wooden wheels that were Mike's grandfathers'from his work wagon....the pump was from a dear friend in Liberty...the huge black kettle belonged to Mike's Mom....sorry I didn't answer before...I guess it was not clear what you were asking...I don't have anything from grandma and grandpa except a fork of grandpa's and a toothpick holder that grandpa gave to grandma on their first aniversary...oh yeah, I do have grandma's berry bowl and one green cup and saucer(I have them marked so my kids will know some day)