Tuesday, March 22, 2011

garden soup and nuts

I talked to Fleta and Clayton and they have been planting garden too. I think we all have spring fever. Onion, lettuce and radishes are all in the ground in our gardens. What about Betty? She has had surgery so Larry better get busy and plant that spring garden for her.
we had a warm day yesterday and wind. I hear wind out side now so more wind is in store today.
With the time change the school bus goes before day light , it just passed and the daylight is just peeking in my window.
Remember the relative of my husband who called in his own obit well day before yesterday Steven called His brother Donnie and said he was going to kill him self when that didn't produce the results he wanted he called 911 and told them he was going to kill himself. The sheriff came over and when Steven saw them he made a fight at them. He was transported to the Hospital and from there taken to the nut house. This no doubt was not the reaction he wanted or expected. Life is hell when you can't get your way by threatening to kill your self and no one cares if you do.
Donnie said Steven was complaining about having to live alone. I guess he didn't like not having someone to push around but that's what happens when a 30 something year old man is such a pain no one can stand the sight of him any more.

1 comment:

Speck said...

Well, Steven got one thing he wanted - he won't be living alone anymore. There are plenty of nuts in the nut house.