Sunday, April 17, 2011

sammy buys more chickens

Sammy bought more bantams yesterday at the sale. They were high priced and I couldn't see why.

It was his money so the price isn't important I suppose.

He did buy another rooster. One of the hens had crusted leg mites so back and she could hardly walk. I have read you can treat them with a coating of Vaccine which we tried but I am not sure she will live I suspect she has been kept in a wire bottom cage and she can barely walk.

He bought 4 hens and one rooster.


Judy said...

Hi Patsy, I hope the chicken lives, poor thing. Your sister is pretty and you are right about Jefferson raping a 14 year old girl. I saw where there were bad storms out there. Glad you are o.k. Have a good week.

Donna. W said...

My mom always put vaseline on the chicken's legs for mites, and it seemed to work.

Sister--Helen said...

These chickens are not very pretty

Galla Creek said...

With Sam around you don't have to worry about not having chickens.