Thursday, February 23, 2012


On my links you see "me" that is Donna up near KC. She has a post about the fact she would like to have a tattoo. I can't imagine wanting one but that got me to thinking about this woman at work.
She left her husband and took up with this guy at work being a not so bright person, Rosie took her self to a local tattoo paroler here in town and had Gary's name tattooed on her private place where the hair is known to grow.
She showed her new tattoo off in the ladies rest room is the reason I saw it not that I ask to view the art.
OK, two weeks later the hot romance was over and Rosie returned to her husband and two small children. Before she rejoined the hubby in the marriage bed she visited the tattoo paroler again and had a rose tattooed over Gary's name.


Donna. W said...

Well, I've already decided I am going to have Cliff's name underneath the flying horse. We've been married since 1966, and I doubt we'll split up now. If we do, I will have to find another Clifford.

Galla Creek said...

Tattoos are not for me, but more and more are finding them desirable. Grandpa Renfroe had a naked lady (full size) tattooed on his forearm. He mostly wore long sleeves even in the summer.

Balisha said...

I'd wear long sleeves too..if I had a naked lady tattooed on my forearm :)

Galla Creek said...

I think Grandpa was drunk in jail and when he came to, his partner in crime had left the image for him to remember the party time.