Betty ask if I knew about daddy growing tomatoes as a money crop.
short answer is no. I remember going to the field in the wagon and I suppose mama was trying to help pick tomatoes.
I know because daddy told me this story. He found 2 baby cotton tail rabbits and he gave them to Richard and me to play with while mama and him picked tomatoes. All at once daddy said I started crying and he went to the wagon to see what was wrong. He said I was crying "Richard hammered my rabbit." Dad had a hammer in the wagon and Richard took the hammer and killed my rabbit.
I saw little of the work in the fields because mama's job was at the house in daddy's eyes and we belonged with mama.
I remember daddy coming home driving his team but didn't know anything about his work in the field.
Mama said one time the reason daddy went to California to find work was because the tomato crop failed. I do remember him being gone and aunt Thelma stayed with us some of the time and this was when Tommy Lou was a baby so the date can be determined by Tommy Lou's birthday.Mama said daddy came home from California because he was home sick. After that he was drafted and went to war and was stationed at first in California, then Hawaii there he boarded a ship and went to Iwo Jima. I know that he was stationed at 29 palms in California. I know he was close enough to Aunt Tee that he hick hiked to see her while in California while at 29 palms.
They let him come home on furlow before shipping out and he gave us the measles. He got sick on the way back and had to be taken off the train and put in the hospital.
I know he raised corn while we lived at carrollton because I remember him bring oorn from the field for us to eat. I think daddy was a farmer at heart and wasn't happy any where else.
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