Michelle Obama declared "I love this country" Monday as she sought to reassure the nation that she and her husband Barack share Americans' bedrock values and belief in a dream of a better future.
In the first major address at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama described herself as a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother, no different from many women. She told a boisterous crowd waving signs reading "Michelle" that she and her husband feel an obligation to "fight for the world as it should be" to ensure the promise of a better life for their daughters and all children.
Machelle Obama spoke at democrat convention Balisha said...
I think Michelle Obama spoke at the convention in 2008.
Thanks for the mention. I have heard her so many times and think that she is an asset to her husband. She is a wonderful speaker and you can tell it comes from her heart. They are quite a team.
Well maybe you could say ann is the first wife white woman to speak at the convention ...now there is a switch...lol
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