Friday, March 24, 2006

father and mother 's grandchild

  One time we had a family reunion, this was always a great time for me and mine. the children played and i got to set and talk to daddy and mama worked all day cooking us a fine meal, This time some one said let take a picture of the grandchildren. They all lined up and Fleta took the picture. When we got the pictures back, everone was looking at the grandchildren and some one said "LOOK", there gilbert with the grandchildren. My brother gilbert was born in 1961 and grew up with mine and my brother Richard's children. I am sure he always felt like he was a grand child. When Mama would give him a bath in a wash pan I am sure he wished he was a grand child. Posted by Picasa


Erin said...

I am not in that picture because I am sooo young. I remember the reunions... Having to travel the longest of ways. We were always on edge waiting until we got to grandma and grandpa's. We just new someone would get sick on the curvy journey. But no matter how curvy the road it was always worth it to see family.

Unknown said...

Lovely photos