As I said my brother Gilbert grew up with my children. When we visited with mama and Daddy Gilbert and my sons had a gay time playing and running wild.
They always went away from the house so mama couldn't lay her hands on Gilbert in her later years she had turn against dirt in a very server way and boys like to get dirty. I mentioned her giving Gilbert a bath in the wash pan. She would get Gilbert and strip him naked in from of all of us when he was 6 years old and give him a sponge bath in the wash pan in front of all of us because she said he was dirty and stunk. His sister Helen always agreed with mama about his smell.
One time they were playing down by the pond and the 4 of them managed to catch daddies red rooster.The boys were having great fun ducking the rooster in the pond and some one left him under to long and the rooster was dead as a door nail.
They wanted to keep daddy from knowing what they had done, if they had threw him over the pond bank a wild animal would have carried him off and daddy would not have know what happen to the rooster.
Being children they decided to take the bird into the barn and hid him in the eves of the barn.Big mistake daddy still milked one cow and that night while he was milking he had nothing better to do so he was looking around the barn as he milked.
There was the red rooster in the eves of the barn still wet and still dead.
Daddy questioned Gilbert as to the reason and Gilbert told daddy what had happen. My boys were long gone home by that time so as usual Gilbert had to face the music by him self. I am sure Gilbert wished he was a grand child.
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