Friday, March 24, 2006

Jamie and Jessie

  This is my grand daughters when they were small. They are grown now but I still think of them as my babies.
Jamie has 3 beatiful children. They are the only great grand children I have at this time and I am very proud of them. I think that after we die our childen are the only thing we leave on this earth to prove we were here. So if Jamie thinks Grandma has forgotton her, she is wrong.I love her dearly as I love all my children. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Old Sister...
Your Grandkids live far away. Larry's Mom told me that a daughter's kids were the special ones. You can do whatever you want with your daugter's kids...a son's kids she said are different. You love them as much but you are more guarded in what you do and say with them.

Will you go to Erin's Blog and explain to her how to fix the links. She wants all of you in her links. My template is not like yours ...there was no place for links. I created on in html code.
I think Smart Sister and a class for teaching me that code.

But because I don't have a template like hers..I do not know how she would fix the links.

Will you help her...your set up is just like hers.