DENVER -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that if elected she would consider giving up some of the executive powers President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have assumed since taking office.
"I have said that I will conduct a very serious review of how the Bush-Cheney administration has grabbed power. Everywhere we look, we see that. They have ignored checks and balances, they have disregarded the separation of powers, they have this theory of the so-called unitary executive, and then Vice President Cheney has a whole different theory about how he's a fourth branch of government," Clinton said during a rally at Metro state College.
"We've got to take a hard look at this and say, 'Wait a minute, this is out of whack with our constitutional framework and values,' and I'm going to take a look at everything, and I intend to get into that, as soon as I can be inaugurated and start acting on it," she said. "We're going to get back to what I view as the constitutional framework and balance of checks that we need."
They showed her overall scores yesterday....the American People like her...she turns 60 today
I am voting for her.
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