Sister wants to know what son was going to do about his egg sucking dogs. Probably nothing as long as he can get 5 dozen at a time here like he did the other day.
My hens only laid one egg day before yesterday but yesterday they laid 14.
I got several brown eggs so the Rhode Island reds are laying.
1 comment:
Dirty Old Egg Sucking Dog, Johnny Cash
Well he's not very handsome to look at
Oh he's shaggy and he eats like a hog
And he's always killin' my chickens
That dirty old egg-suckin' dog
Egg-suckin' dog
I'm gonna stomp your head in the ground
If you don't stay out of my hen house
You dirty old egg-suckin' hound
Now if he don't stop eatin' my eggs up
Though I'm not a real bad guy
I'm gonna get my riffle and send him
To that great chicken house in the sky
Egg-suckin' dog
Your always hangin' around
But you'd better stay out of my hen house
You dirty old egg-suckin' hound
Johnny Cash was a very talented man. I love his songs and poems. Sunday Morning coming down is a great son, but I think maybe Kris K wrote that one and he just sang it.
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