Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mosses, rocks and lichen

When I looked on Betty's blog we had a argument going between Erin, Fleta and Betty.
I thought when I looked at the two photos Betty posted and she wondered where all the moss had gone that was on the rock? I thought Erin picture of the rock shows Lichen on the rock, lots of lichen.
I thought I bet lichen kills moss so I did research on my computer and found in a Google book on line this statement written by a biologist.
"Lichens are able to destroy moss colonies. The destruction is partly due to parasitism and partly to smothering. The development of lichens in moss colonies makes possible the coming in of a lichen stage after the moss associations"
You can read the artical by clicking on mosses, rocks and lichin.


dot said...

Go Patsy Go! If they don't call you the "smart sister" then maybe they should! lol

Annie said...

I'll never get into an argument with you unless I just know I'm right. But then, I always know I'm right. Maybe I'd just better not ever get into an argument with you. :)

Galla Creek said...

Well, now I now where the moss went...Sister Patsy killed it!

Mountain Mama said...

I had no idea that lichen was so destructive. I think I read someplace that it's edible. I can't imagine how it would taste though.