Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blogging is fun!

I have been commenting on one of the new blogs I have found and one of his readers has called me a right winger, national Enquire reader, redneck! I never read the Enquirer, I maybe a red neck if that mean from the south but as for right winger, I am so far left that most Democrats wont claim me! Actual I think red neck means someone who works in the sun and I don't work at all and avoid the sun like the plague.

I enjoy being deceitful when I can and people who know me realize I am misleading them but I think I was able to pull the wool over that reader eyes. Needless to say I enjoyed her comment. I laughed out loud.

On ward to more blogging! I will see who Else I can lead down the primrose path.


Snowbrush said...

It must have been something he ate.

Linda said...

Keep going Patsy. You make my day. I read your blog every day and love it. I can't imagine why anyone would think you're right wing/conservative. That's a very far stretch.

I will admit to being surpised, when I began reading your blog, that you were liberal. It was a nice surprise.

Betty said...

Patsy, if anyone mistakes you for a right winger, he/she hasn't been reading your blog long enough or closely enough. Too funny.

Judy said...

Patsy, You never fail to crack me up! You are also right about where the expression "redneck" came from. Just hang in there girl and continue to be your self. I love it!

Galla Creek said...

but...on the other might be a redneck if you have chickens in your yard.