Saturday, June 20, 2009

Confession is good for the soul?

Seem Senator John Ensign from Nevada confessed to his affair because the husband of his ex-Mistress had asks for money for Ensign and his wife's sins. It isn't clear weather The Senator has paid in the past in some form since he sought jobs for the wronged husband thro' his cronies.

The husband had contacted Fox news about the affair and they sat on the story. I would like to say if it had been a Democrat they would have reported it soon enough but perhaps not since I remember when Edwards was running for president many news agents had information about his escapades and it wasn't reported until the National Enquirer got hold of the story so perhaps I am wrong. Of course they said the Edwards story was only rumours and the Ensign story was supported by a letter from the wronged husband.

No matter why Fox sat on the story we now know why the Senator came clean about the affair. It wasn't from a guilty conscious but from a fear of who was going to spill the beans.

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