Friday, June 19, 2009

conversation with a Kelly

My son worked in production at Tyson food for 30 years in maintenance. he has went to work in the Tyson hatchery and I had a conversation with him today about the hatchery. It's not often I find a subject that my children know more about than I do.
Today he knew more than I did. I found it interesting to learn how the hatchery does their operation.
1. the incubator is a large room and the whole room is an incubator.
2. the eggs are placed in plastic trays at the farm and when they arrive the trays are loaded onto metal racks in the room. He said they were 5 rows of metal tracks in each room.
3. the tracks move back and forth all the time keeping the trays of eggs moving.
4. They have 5 rooms for incubating the eggs.
5. I ask how many eggs each room contain? He didn't know.
6. They have a 99% hatch rate which is very good. The hens are artificial inseminated which explains the 99% hatch rate.
7. Everything is automated in the hatchery.
8.on day 19 the eggs are moved to the hatch room where they are kept in place.
9. as they are moved to the hatch room each chick is vaccinated for chick disease inside the shell.
10. on the 3rd day in the hatch room the chicks hatch and they are placed on a belt by automation and as they start the trip down the belt the shell go one way and the chick go another.
11. The chicks are boxed by automation again and then loaded on trucks for their trip to the farm. 21 days from egg to hatch, no human contact during the 21 days.
12. I had other question that he didn't know the answer so he will have questions tomorrow. They probably will think Kelly is really studying the operation!

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Probably more that most would want to know...they just want their chicken fried. teehee