Friday, June 19, 2009

Michelle Obama

I really like Michelle Obama being in the white house. Why is that is it because she is intelligent, is it because she is growing a garden, is it because she wears great clothes or possible because she met the Queen and put her arm around the royal person? no I like her because the biggest part of her is somewhere between her waist and knees.

I have always had large hips or big butt to be blunt and I hated to see Mrs. George Bush or Hillary Clinton with their slim profile but Michelle can bring up the rear with the best of us.


Galla Creek said...

Hillary is not so little and her ankles are fat.

Linda said...

Good for you. I had a thought or two myself when I saw that picture. You said it best.

Snowbrush said...

I hadn't heard about her hugging the queen. Did she curtsy first? Ha.